Saturday, May 8, 2010


When you were small
And just a touch away,
I covered you with blankets
Against the cool night air.
But now that you are tall
And out of reach,
I fold my hands
And cover you with prayer.
~Dona Maddux Cooper~

Where have the years gone? It can't be that it was almost 35 years ago that I dressed Deron in the little blue outfit pictured above, and John David and I brought him from the hospital. Three and a half years later, Andy wore the same outfit as he came home to our tiny, tin-roofed, white house. Both of them were covered on chilly nights with the soft yellow/green blanket lovingly made by their Mawmaw.

Words can't express the joy that I've known being their mother, and I wouldn't trade the world for the journey we've had together! Each chapter of each of their lives has enriched my life, and I've watched with my heart bursting with pride as they've grown into fine men with families of their own. Saying that I'm proud of them just doesn't seem adequate to express what's in my heart. Sometimes words just aren't enough.

I am blessed beyond measure to be your mom, Deron and Andy! I love you!

Always know that I'm covering you with my love and prayers!


Mari said...

Glenda - this is a beautiful post. It's filled with the love you have for your kids. Happy Mothers Day to you!

JudyBug said...

Well, fortunately I hadn't dried my eyes from "The Notebook"! You are such a precious person and you're boys have been so very blessed to have you as their Mother...and I believe they each know that!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I love the picture. The blanket covering the outfit. Baby is gone now and has become a man. And the quote is wonderful, I think I will copy it and put it on our prayer and information line. I love the part about covering with blankets,and now covering with prayer.

Glenda said...

Ginny, feel free to copy it! Happy Mother's Day to you!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

What a sweet post, Glenda. I loved it.. Happy Mother's Day!!!! We're home from the beach --and I'll post in the morning. Had a wonderful time --but it's nice to be home.

One of my sons is visiting me on my 'special' day today!!!!!

Hope you have a wonderful day.

Kathy said...

What a beautiful post. I think it's wonderful you've saved that little outfit all these years!

Nancy said...

How SWEET!!! I love the picture, the quote, and the post!! Happy Mother's Day to a very special mother!

S. Etole said...

Isn't it a privilege to celebrate this with Godly children ... hope your day was filled with peace.

Southern Lady said...

How beautiful! Isn't it wonderful to know that no matter how old our children get, we can cover them in prayer? Happy Mother's Day! Carla

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Time does go by fast for sure. My oldest will be 39 this year. It is very rewarding to see them all grown up and now most of mine have families of their own too.

WhiteStone said...

I love being a Mom and identify completely with this post! My baby is in her late 30s! Yikes!