Driving around in the pasture of one of his favorite uncles brought back special memories to John David. The weather was cool and crisp and dusk was just settling in as we puttered around in the "mule." It was the perfect time to think about the good times spent there. But I guess any time is the perfect time to remember the people and places that have influenced one's life.
"After all these years I can still hear his voice like it was yesterday. No matter what we were doing, he'd always say, 'Come on. Let's go get a sip of coffee.' " And off to the porch they'd go, unless it was winter. In that case they'd sit around the wood heater. There was always time to slow down and visit - and discuss hounds and hunting.
I read a quote recently in the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan that made me stop and think: Memories are wonderful, he wrote, but do you live differently because of them? That's something to think about, isn't it? And carrying it a bit farther, it's sobering to think that after I'm gone, my life will continue to impact others - in one way or another. How I live now will determine that.
That's a sobering thought..that memories of us live on to effect others!!!
Thank Goodness for our memories, Glenda... One reason I love to write is to get some of these memories written down ---for the next generations to enjoy reading...
The book quote is wonderfully thought provoking! Also, we shouldn't let past memories hinder the way we want and need to live, to take the joy from us. A person IS their memories and one would hope that when he is gone, he leaves something good that will never be forgotten, in one way or another.
Ginny, I like what you said about not letting negative memories hinder our lives; that is so true!
I love your memories. Great post,
Everything fades away but memories...
how wonderful!!
so much to think about in these few words ...
Nice little poem which so aptly concludes your post. (which you wrote?)
You made me think...because so often I feel people are forgotten after they pass on. But actually you are right. When I am struggling with my faith, I remember my grandmother and her strong faith. It keeps me going. We were great friends when I was growing up.
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