Dense fog engulfed my FIL's place this morning,
and the air was heavy, chilly and damp.
One of the cats crouched on the carport wall, his dark fur taking on a misty gray color.
and the air was heavy, chilly and damp.
One of the cats crouched on the carport wall, his dark fur taking on a misty gray color.
The fog comes on little cat feet . . .
I like that word picture.
But in our lives, the fog doesn't always come so gently.
Sometimes it comes on the feet of pain . . . or disappointment . . .
or loss . . . or confusion.
Our world is engulfed, and our visibility is near zero.
But even when we can't see the next step, we can be assured
that there is One beside us to guide us and to bring us safely into the light.
The Son shines and the fog is lifted . . . in His time.
Fogs are a painful, often scary, always faith-testing part of life, but one day we'll become eternal residents of a fog-free, see-things-clearly place!
We don't yet see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We'll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing Him directly just as He knows us!
~I Corinthians 13:12 The Message~
That image with the cat is so striking. And your words, so true.
Beautiful poem. With God, life does not stay foggy but there is light at the end of the tunnel.
I have posted that poem with fog pictures, it's such a good visual!! Ypur photos are really beautiful!Fog makes everything so quiet for some reason. I guess because we have to slow down in it, literally and figuratively! It won't be long till we all see clearly.
Yep, we definitely live in the same neck of the woods! My picture was taken Monday morning but we had fog here again today (Tuesday) although not quite as heavy. Love your picture of the cat! I was hoping for an animal in mine but when I looked out and saw the fog, I grabbed the camera, put on my woods-trompin' boots and went out in my nightgown to catch the shot. One good thing about living in the country with no nearby neighbors ~ you can rush out like that without a care!
Very comforting words and I love these photos. The cat crouched in the fog is my favorite.
Am not a favor of fog but I have a daughter who loves fog and mist. She feels wrapped in a loving blankey! Love your photos though and the cat photo is excellent! I just love that the Son of God burns off the shroud of fog and sets me free!
Your fog pictures are beautiful, even though fog isn't so nice when driving in it. I enjoyed your words too.
I should have read this yesterday, but I was in such a "fog" that I let it engulf me and I actually lost a whole day. I never dressed, I just sat! No TV, no computer, but a lot of time was spent on the phone about a necessary discussion. Other than that, the "fog" got me. I am so glad to read this - this very morning. God is so good and spoke directly to me today through you. Thank you so much!
Beautiful pictures and post, Glenda. Sometimes, while in the fog, I feel a special closeness to God. Don't you? Carla
I do love Fog, it is beautiful?? Nice poem also
LOVE the pictures and the words, Glenda! It's very interesting to read your words and then all these see how many different views people have of fog. I like pictures of fog, but I do not like it in person! Straining to see while driving...or straining to focus on those days when my brain seems to be filled with fog. Thanks for the encouraging reminder that one day all fog will be gone...when we no longer see "through a glass darkly," but actually get to see Him face to face!!
So beautiful Glenda and so true. In the midst of the fog it is so easy to get lost, but we are never walking alone. And then, eventually, the fog lifts.
When showing metaphors in poetry I use the poem by Carl Sandburg. I like your 'illustration' of it.
I deal with a type of mind fog from fibromyalgia. It's scary at times, frustrating and embarrassing at others. This is a good reminder to me.
I love how, in your pictures, we can see the outline of the images through the fog.
So true. I love the days when the fog lifts and I can see where to step on the path. The fog is such an opportunity to see what God will do--when we can do NOTHING.
Love the photo and the inspiring words.
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