an individual in the same way I appreciate a sunset. When I look
at a sunset...I don't find myself saying,
'Soften the orange a little more
on the right hand corner, and put a bit more purple along the base,
and use a little more pink in the cloud color...'
I don't try to control a sunset.
I watch it with awe as it unfolds.
~Carl Rogers~
What a wonderful point, I never thought of it that way! Gorgeous pictures!
Wonderful pictures and quote!! We should all look at people that way!
Wow Glenda, I had never seen that before, I love it! This is one to print and keep close by - thanks!
Magnificent pictures and a great quote. Just like each sunset, God made us all differently.
This is thought provoking with people
The view out our kitchen window the last two nights looked almost exactly like this. I figure it's because of smoke in the air. Fire struck close to home today. A brush fire only a half mile from our bottomland!
I've again enjoyed my visit and caught up on your beautiful posts! Such lovely grandchildren - know you had fun!!
Beautiful sunset pictures - and great words to go with them - good thought!
Beautiful sunset and words to live by. Thank you for visiting my blog.
Great insight!
LOVE that quote by Carl Rogers...and the beautiful pictures!
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