Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial,
because when he has stood the test,
he will receive the crown of life
that God has promised to those who love him.
James 1:12
When the mountain is steep
when the valley is deep
when the body is weary
when we stumble and fall
When the choices are hard
when we're battered and scarred
when we've spent our resource
when we've given our all
In Jesus name we press on
in Jesus name we press on
dear Lord, with the prize clear before our eyes
we find the strength to press on
~Barney E. Warren~
When the mountain is steep
when the valley is deep
when the body is weary
when we stumble and fall
When the choices are hard
when we're battered and scarred
when we've spent our resource
when we've given our all
In Jesus name we press on
in Jesus name we press on
dear Lord, with the prize clear before our eyes
we find the strength to press on
~Barney E. Warren~
At the end of the line . . . He waits! And we'll experience His sacrificial, unearned love . . . face to face . . . for eternity.
Talk about a Love Fest . . .
Now that's a prize that makes me want to press on!
Definitely "Amen!"
That shot of the tracks with the words on them says so much ...
I LOVE this song!!! Beautiful post, Glenda!!
This verse and poem go so well with the pictures! And I love them both. A very artistic shot of the tracks, and looking down them to the future, heading to where we cannot see. And we need to stay ON thos tracks, too, and not stray off.
Beautiful post as always. The words mean so much to me. I have been going through something lately that is out of my control. I know that if I press on in Jesus' name, I will be victorious. Thanks for the timely reminder. Carla
Yes, Glenda, It's all about attitude--and how we handle things in our lives. Keeping a positive attitude as we persevere through life ---through the good and the bad---really helps, thanks be to God.
Some of my favorite verses. I love the word picture of the race.
Beautiful post!!! God bless you.
One of my favorite choir songs ever. And one of my favorite scriptures. I used to do Precious Moments cross stitch pictures and did a couple with a little guy jogging and "Press On" as the caption.
I think I was just reading about this in James. Amen.
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