Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's Just That Simple!

I am often amazed at the wisdom of young children. Many times they, in their simple faith, have less difficulty in seeing the "big picture" of life and setting priorities than we adults. I was reminded of this fact again this week during a visit with our six-year-old grandson. When asked, "Do you like . . . (and Poppa named some things) . . . without any prompting he replied, "I like God . . . and Jesus . . . and my family . . . and my friends." Just that simple!

Now that will warm a grandparent's heart! He gets it! Sadly, for many older folks, priorities are not that simply defined, and when life get's complicated - and it often does - chaos fills the heart and mind. It's only when we remember Who is "first" in life that He can help us fit all the other pieces of life together.

Thanks, Aiden, and I pray that you never edit your list!

Thank God for kids . . .

Do you ever stop to think or wonder why
The nearest thing to Heaven is a child?
When you get down on your knees tonight
To thank the Lord for his guiding light
And pray they turn out right,
Thank God for kids.

1 comment:

bloggin' Chrystal said...

I love this song..."thank god for kids." I made a DVD slideshow of my children from birth to now and included this song. It says it...great!