Sunday, February 22, 2009

Needin' a Makeover?

Makeovers - extreme makeovers - seem to be the rage! Bodies, homes, outdoor spaces, and offices can all be beautifully transformed. Even out-of-control children can be wonderfully changed when Supernanny comes to visit! And to be fair, many of the makeovers that we see on television are needed and are a blessing. But all of these transformations basically deal with externals and have no eternal value. I'm so glad that I know the One who deals in extreme makeovers that begin inside a person, making us ready for that ultimate makeover that will never need any touch-ups!

Who else but the Potter can remold us "earthen jars" - or cracked pots - into beautiful vessels that He can fill and use? Who else but our Heavenly Father can transform a stony heart into one that is pliable in His hands - or make a sinful heart white as snow? Know anyone else who can set captives free from guilt, addictions, and the past? And when Jesus shows up, darkness becomes light and mourning turns to joy! He trades our weaknesses for His strength and exchanges our timidity for boldness. Without exception, a touch from the Master's hand brings hope. Now that's an extreme makeover and is available to anyone who sincerely asks! No one is beyond His transforming love.

No matter how mature we may think we are as Christians, we should continually pray: Make me over in Your likeness. You are the Potter; I am the clay. One day, maybe not too far in the future, we who have been changed by His grace will experience a makeover that we can't begin to imagine. We shall all be changed . . . (I Cor.15:52).

O, to be like Thee; O, to be like Thee. Blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art . . . Stamp Thine own image deep in my heart.


JudyBug said...

Another beautiful post Glenda! I just heard a testimony at church today from someone who said God had worked a miracle transformation in their family. It was such a blessing to hear!

Nancy said...

Wow! I love this! And wasn't it neat that you wrote it this afternoon, and then that was the song we closed the service with tonight? :) Thanks for sharing!