Trailblazers . . . founding fathers and mothers . . . faithful examples of Christ-likeness . . . treasured church members . . . beloved family members . . . our heroes of faith.
Faithful . . . not always perfect in performance . . . not super saints . . . but FAITHFUL!
A generation characterized by strength, perseverance, integrity, hard work, courage, devotion to family - and a deep, abiding love for God, country, and their brothers and sisters.
Sunday we celebrated the fruits of their labors; we called it homecoming, and it was a wonderful day. But all the while, we were so very aware of the homegoing of so many of them. How thankful we were that Aunt Minnie, Uncle I.B. and Aunt Lizzie Belle were able to worship with us! We missed Mr. Cecil, Mr. Herb and Uncle Johnnie, who weren't feeling well enough to attend. We've named this group our Heritage Keepers, and they've lived up to that title in an exemplary way! Each year, though, their number is smaller, their collective voices are weaker and their footsteps are slower. But that fact does nothing to minimize the impact they've had on our lives! What a legacy! Their undying faith in God and His Word and His plan for their lives speak volumes - in spite of declining health and advancing age.
These precious folks have truly kept our heritage alive. And we do have "a goodly heritage" as the Psalmist said so long ago. When the last of their generation has gone on to celebrate the never-ending and greatest homecoming of all, I wonder who'll fill their shoes? Which of us will be worthy to be called a Heritage Keeper? It's a sobering thought . . . a challenge for my generation . . . a call to examine our lives and our commitment. We . . . I . . . can't fail to keep our Godly heritage alive. So much is at stake! So many, including our own children and grandchildren, are depending on us! And so is God . . . who has called us to be faithful! Not perfect . . . just faithful! With His help, we can do it!
Faithful . . . not always perfect in performance . . . not super saints . . . but FAITHFUL!
A generation characterized by strength, perseverance, integrity, hard work, courage, devotion to family - and a deep, abiding love for God, country, and their brothers and sisters.
Sunday we celebrated the fruits of their labors; we called it homecoming, and it was a wonderful day. But all the while, we were so very aware of the homegoing of so many of them. How thankful we were that Aunt Minnie, Uncle I.B. and Aunt Lizzie Belle were able to worship with us! We missed Mr. Cecil, Mr. Herb and Uncle Johnnie, who weren't feeling well enough to attend. We've named this group our Heritage Keepers, and they've lived up to that title in an exemplary way! Each year, though, their number is smaller, their collective voices are weaker and their footsteps are slower. But that fact does nothing to minimize the impact they've had on our lives! What a legacy! Their undying faith in God and His Word and His plan for their lives speak volumes - in spite of declining health and advancing age.
These precious folks have truly kept our heritage alive. And we do have "a goodly heritage" as the Psalmist said so long ago. When the last of their generation has gone on to celebrate the never-ending and greatest homecoming of all, I wonder who'll fill their shoes? Which of us will be worthy to be called a Heritage Keeper? It's a sobering thought . . . a challenge for my generation . . . a call to examine our lives and our commitment. We . . . I . . . can't fail to keep our Godly heritage alive. So much is at stake! So many, including our own children and grandchildren, are depending on us! And so is God . . . who has called us to be faithful! Not perfect . . . just faithful! With His help, we can do it!
"Faith of our fathers (and mothers) . . . holy faith. . .
We will be true to thee 'til death."
We will be true to thee 'til death."

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