Little things . . . but not insignificant.
God is not a creator of insignificance!
I'm glad that God's measuring system and His perspective are not at all like the ones we apply to our lives - and to those around us.
Our best - our all - seem so little to us at times.
But He says, "Little is much" if given to Him to multiply and divide.
I like His math!!
We get a good look at Jesus' perspective in Luke 21:
1-4Just then he looked up and saw the rich people dropping offerings in the collection plate. Then he saw a poor widow put in two pennies. He said, "The plain truth is that this widow has given by far the largest offering today. All these others made offerings that they'll never miss; she gave extravagantly what she couldn't afford—she gave her all!" (The Message)
He's watching. He sees. It doesn't matter that no one else does.
His eyes never miss the smallest act of kindness done in His name
or in obedience to Him.
Our "two pennies" are important to Him and His kingdom.
One day recently my Scripture calendar had these words:
Perhaps at the Last Day all that will remain worth recording of a life full of activity and zeal, will be those little deeds that were done solely beneath the eye of God.
Lord, help me remember that the smallest job done in your name is very worthwhile.
Teach me to rejoice in whatsoever task is set before me today. Amen.
When I was growing up, we sang this little song at church:
Two little fishes, five loaves of bread -
Five thousand people by Jesus were fed.
This is what happened when one little lad
Gladly gave Jesus all that he had.
His eyes never miss the smallest act of kindness done in His name
or in obedience to Him.
Our "two pennies" are important to Him and His kingdom.
One day recently my Scripture calendar had these words:
Perhaps at the Last Day all that will remain worth recording of a life full of activity and zeal, will be those little deeds that were done solely beneath the eye of God.
Lord, help me remember that the smallest job done in your name is very worthwhile.
Teach me to rejoice in whatsoever task is set before me today. Amen.
When I was growing up, we sang this little song at church:
Two little fishes, five loaves of bread -
Five thousand people by Jesus were fed.
This is what happened when one little lad
Gladly gave Jesus all that he had.
Lovely photos! Sometimes it is good to stop and see what is not always visible. What a reassuring scripture...the one about the widow's mite.
God does pay attention to details! I have become more keenly aware of this since I started making digital pictures. Yesterday I photographed a green spider and when I put it on the computer and enlarged it, the spider has the most intricate design on its head and another on its back! God could have made him plain green, but I like to think He delights in these beautiful details.
God does want our two cents, our all, our full devotion, holding nothing back!
These pictures are gorgeous and I love what you had to say about the little things mattering to God.
Hi Glenda, Great post... Little things are definitely not insignificant.... Love your photos. That is a great picture of the hummingbird... Just PERFECT... The butterfly is gorgeous also...
I've learned to look at small things much more now that I am interested in photography, especially in macros... There are things which I never noticed before --which I love now...Praise God for so many things that matter!!!
A beautiful, reflective post on which to think and close my day! Thanks! What a blessing to have eyes that see the little things and that they do matter!!
Oh Glenda, you always have such an encouraging post. I thank God for your friendship in blogland. Carla
Awesome pictures....Just have a few minutes to blog glad that I stopped here....Have a great week.
I love the scripture calendar devotional and the little song!! Could I record this post on our church prayer line? I can give your name as the writer, or not if you don't want me to. It is all so uplifting and wonderful! And how on earth did you get those photos??? Were you using some kind of macro and stop motion combined? They are just stunning!! When I first saw the hummingbird and the title, I thought "Now, what does two pennies have to do with a hummingbird?" But I needn't have worried, you are the master! Next to The Master, that is!!
Ginny, I sent you an email but forgot to say that these pics were taken using the 55-200mm lens, getting as close as possible. Then I cropped each pic to bring them closer. Thanks again for your encouraging words!
That butterfly is amazing! I used to have a huge asparagus fern and I remember those minute blossoms.
Beautiful analogy, as always.
Beautiful pictures and thoughts!!!
What fab fotos! My dream is to get a picture of a hummingbird. So far I've been unsuccessful but I know my time will come if I just keep trying.
Love your new header and sidebar!
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