Monday, October 25, 2010

Turning to the Light

You have to
plant seeds
to get flowers

The opening
of petals
turning to
the light.

~Joyce A. Chandler~


Dorothy said...

May we plant good seeds of Faith, Love, and Hope today so that someone else will reap the harvest tomorrow. Lord, help us to always seek Jesus Christ, the Light of the world.

Ginny Hartzler said...

A wonderful shot! We only really bloom when we turn to the light.

Beth said...

Beautiful photo and beautiful quote. We forget that we have to turn to the light to completely open up the way God intended us to.
Wonderful lesson.

Southern Lady said...

Great words. I love your new heading picture. It is gorgeous. Hope you are well. Carla

S. Etole said...

You always have such great analogies ...

Allison said...

It was so nice of you to visit gallimaufry, Glenda! What a meaningful blog you have; so glad to discover it!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful post Glenda. Thank you for your kind comments re my blog. It was a blessing to meet George & Betsy in person after 2+ years of blogging together. We had so many laughs. Wishing you a blessed day.

What Karen Sees said...

Beautiful words and a wonderful shot. I, too, love your header. So colorful and cheery. Just what I need so as not to be depressed because it's snowing outside my window!

Anonymous said...

Dear Glenda...thank you so much for visiting my "little space" and thank you for your kind comments. I look forward to spending time reading from your blog. Sweet blessings! ♥ Teri

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Plant those seeds!!!! I will... We need lots of flowers next spring..... We also need to plant the seeds of LOVE ......


Rebecca said...

What a gentle communication of a powerful truth!

Mary said...

So very true! Seeing Jesus as the Light is always one of my favorite images. My husband just worked a Kairos prison weekend and I always pray for light in their darkness. It seems to be the image God gives me for my prayers for the men.