Tractors and grandpas and little boys
just seem to go together when you live in the country.
Wonderful memories are made and lessons learned
sittin' on Poppa's knee as the two of them putter down the gravel road.
Soon they'll be big enough to take the wheel on their own,
following Poppa's instructions and feeling grownup and proud.
I know someone who will be even prouder!
These moments - like the one I captured in the photo above -
can't last forever.
But memories can . . .
and lessons learned can . . .
and the love between this Poppa and his two grandsons will!
Hold them near while they're here
and don't wait for tomorrow,
to look back and wish for today.
~Bill & Gloria Gaither - We Have This Moment Today~
That is a great visual. My brother absolutely loved being on the farm when he was a kid. We were just back there in Minnesota and nothing is the same as it was - really sad.
The song is one of my favorites that Gaithers ever wrote.
What a glorious picture! I like the tones--it's so effective not being in color--just as if it had already aged.
I have some precious ones of my father with my children and then a few of him with my grandchildren. I cherish them so much.
Now my husband and I are photographing memories with the grandchildren. Such a blessing.
Thanks for the quick response about the camera--I really appreciate your advice.
What a wonderful picture, and I think the sepia tone is perfect. Too bad we often don't realize wonderful memories like this when they are happening.
That is a sweet picture and I like what you had to say too!
Sniff, sniff! That song always makes me feel so sentimental! LOVE the picture!!
Such a timeless photo and memory ... and what relationship requires.
Love that old picture, Glenda.... There have been many little boys (and girls) all through the years who have sat on their grandparents' laps and learned so much about life... I never had any grandparents (all dead before I was born) --so I missed out on that wonderful opportunity...
BUT--I still have plenty of memories of other childhood experiences.
Love this picture and love your words. Made me cry a little. Just had lunch with my Jase and was thinking when I got back to work that it was just yesterday that he was my little boy.
I don't have boys, only two girls, but some of my favorite pictures of them are with my dad on a tractor. They used to fall asleep while riding with him. Your picture brought back some wonderful memories. Carla
So true - they grow up and away so soon. I love your picture.
All three of my very grown up boys have wonderful memories of riding on their PaPaw's knee on the tractor. They felt so big and powerful. Man-stuff starts so early doesn't it?
I miss my dad so much. I love seeing the pictures we've taken of the boys on his knee. He loved riding them around. It was like a Disney theme ride only better ... no lines ;)
Those boys will treasure their memories...and this photo!
Yes that is true...moments can't last forever...but memories do. And the little seeds we plant in children's hearts do. (Love, acceptance)
It was nice to hug my 23 year old son for no reason, today.
Love the thoughts, Glenda - and it definitely touches home with our own family- as you know! With 11 grandsons, and 4 granddaughters, all of them loving to ride with Papa on the tractor, I can relate to the words you have penned! What wonderful memories - wonderful picture.
What a fabulous photo, Glenda!
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