My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."
(Ps. 121:1)
Tomorrow I'll have a medical procedure, one that's labeled "minor," I'm sure. But since MY body is involved, it's "major" to me! Thinking about it, reading about it, and hearing the stories of others have brought me many anxious moments and caused my imagination to run wild. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, I guess!
But if I really believe that He cares for the little sparrows (as I wrote in an earlier post), and if I really believe He cares about every detail of my life, then I can depend on Him for the strength that I need to face tomorrow. And once again, He hasn't failed to comfort me and let me know that it's in my weakness that His strength shines.
I was overwhelmed this morning when I opened my much-used Streams in the Desert to the page marked "February 8th." In part here's what I read:
I can trust Him! I can depend on His strength to be MY strength tomorrow. Does that mean I'll not have any anxious moments or that I won't dread the procedure? Not at all! It does mean that when I am afraid, I can lean on Him . . . the Creator of Heaven and Earth . . . my Refuge and my Strength!
But if I really believe that He cares for the little sparrows (as I wrote in an earlier post), and if I really believe He cares about every detail of my life, then I can depend on Him for the strength that I need to face tomorrow. And once again, He hasn't failed to comfort me and let me know that it's in my weakness that His strength shines.
I was overwhelmed this morning when I opened my much-used Streams in the Desert to the page marked "February 8th." In part here's what I read:
Do not look forward [ahead] to what may happen tomorrow. The same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow, and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.How perfectly those words fit my needs on this day in 2010! Yet they were written long ago by Frances de Sales and placed in the first edition of this powerful book in 1928 by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman! Coincidence that I read those words today? Absolutely not! God knew that I would need them and orchestrated what happened in my quiet time today. He's not a God of coincidences but One who planned my days even before I was born.
I can trust Him! I can depend on His strength to be MY strength tomorrow. Does that mean I'll not have any anxious moments or that I won't dread the procedure? Not at all! It does mean that when I am afraid, I can lean on Him . . . the Creator of Heaven and Earth . . . my Refuge and my Strength!
"Learning to lean - I'm learning to lean;
I'm learning to lean on Jesus."
~John Stallings~
I am praying that God will continue to give you His precious peace throughout the day tomorrow!!
Praying for you today, Glenda. May you find His peace surrounding you and quieting your spirit.
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