And so all the candles on our Advent wreath shone brightly today . . . and in the center stood the Christ candle reminding us that The Light of the World makes all these gifts possible . . . and that He should be the center of our focus during this beautiful holy season.
My favorite Christmas Scripture is not in the "Christmas story" but in John 1 . . . In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. How amazing!! But the best part of that passage - in my opinion - is verse 14: And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory . . . Can you wrap your mind and heart around that?!
God Himself became flesh . . . and so that means that He understands everything human . . . hurts and healings . . . tragedies and triumphs . . . the bad times and the good times . . . loneliness and fellowship. He understands. Because He chose to enter my world and yours and become one of us.
What a gift . . . what love! How can we not give Him ourselves anew this Christmas season? That's the best way we can say "Thank you" to Him for all His immeasurable, indescribable gifts!
Advent is about waiting . . . and just maybe He's waiting for us . . . to let go . . . to forgive . . . to love . . . to speak . . . to reach out . . . to shine our light in a dark corner . . . to really make a difference in 2011.
A beautiful post Glenda. Blessings to you and your family this Christmas.
Yes, that's what the title of my blog is all about. And you are really letting your light shine brilliantly!!!
You have brought much light to us in your posts ...
Thanks for writing your thoughts! It is truly Amazing! Way beyond our understanding that God chose to do such a wonderful thing for lowly man!
I like your "Advent is about waiting" comment. I have always found that those weeks leading up to Christmas are when we really "feel" the season.
I've been lighting those candles too and waiting. I do agree that our Lord is also waiting for us. That is a wonderful way of thinking about Advent. We light the white candle on Christmas day. Jesus the light of the world came to us at Christmas. Lots of Love and Hugs to you!
Thank you - I really needed that today! God bless!
I like the part, "and we beheld his glory" - because it reminds me that John was a witness of the life, death and ressurection of Jesus.
Thank you for your uplifting beautiful post.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
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